
(economics)Theideathatthepricesgeneratedbyafinancialmarketrepresentthebestpossibleestimateofanyinvestment'svalue.,Theefficientmarketshypothesis(EMH)arguesthatmarketsareefficient,leavingnoroomtomakeexcessprofitsbyinvestingsinceeverythingisalreadyfairly ...,2022年2月24日—Theefficientmarkethypothesisthatmarketsoperateefficiently.Inotherwords,thatassetsarefairlypricedbythemarketmechanismto ...,The...

efficient market hypothesis

(economics) The idea that the prices generated by a financial market represent the best possible estimate of any investment's value.

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)

The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) argues that markets are efficient, leaving no room to make excess profits by investing since everything is already fairly ...

Efficient market hypothesis

2022年2月24日 — The efficient market hypothesis that markets operate efficiently. In other words, that assets are fairly priced by the market mechanism to ...

Efficient Market Hypothesis

The efficient market hypothesis is a theory that market prices fully reflect all available information, i.e. that market assets, like stocks, are worth what ...


The efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) is a hypothesis in financial economics that states that asset prices reflect all available information.

efficient-market hypothesis

economic theory that asset prices fully reflect all available information, so that it is impossible to beat the market consistently on a risk-adjusted ...


2008年3月19日 — 效率市場理論(Efficient Market theory)認為在一個效率市場中,任何投資人都無法持續擊敗市場而賺得超額報酬。主要的三項假設:投資人皆理性、情報 ...


效率市場假說(英語:Efficient-market hypothesis,縮寫為EMH),又譯為效率市場 ... 儲存您偏好的中文語言變體,以避免顯示簡繁混雜的內容,提供最佳的閱讀體驗。

效率市場假說是什麼?對投資策略有什麼影響?正面觀點vs ...

2021年8月23日 — 效率市場假說(Efficient Market Hypothesis,簡稱EMH),中文也可以稱為有效市場假說, 是由美國經濟學家尤金‧法馬(Eugene Fama)在1970年代提出的。 它 ...


有效市場假說(Efficient Markets Hypothesis,EMH),又稱有效市場理論(Efficient markets theory)有效市場假說(Efficient Markets Hypothesis,簡稱EMH)是由尤 ...